2020-03-24 through 27 – Self-Isolation in Port Douglas and Heading Home

March 24 – We have no tours scheduled today and we are working in the hotel room.  We stopped at the local grocery store to see if we could find takeaway food.  Not a lot of luck.  We did see some pretty striped shelves…no toilet paper to be had. 



We did find some take-away, we picked up breakfast at a nearby coffee shop and ate at picnic tables in a park across the street.  Then it was back to the hotel for laundry and work.

For dinner we picked up Indian food, very good.  We ate at the room as the ants had taken over the picnic tables. 

March 25 – Transfer to Sydney 
We were to catch a transfer to Cairns today where we would spend the night before flying to Sydney the following day.  However, we got a 6:00am call from Tara.  Australia is closing down state borders.  Since Sydney is in a different state we will be taking our transfer to Cairns, pick up our luggage at the hotel and transfer to the airport for a flight to Sydney.  

Everything went like clockwork.  The connection in Brisbane was tight but fortunately there was a delay in that flight’s departure so we had no problems.  We were at the hotel by early evening. 

March 26 – Airport Hotel in Sydney.
We spent the day in the hotel, with a short trip out for lunch (the restaurant in the hotel is totally closed).  We found a Subway nearby, so we opted for getting two six-inch sandwiches each…one for lunch and one for dinner. That was the highlight of the day. 

We are all packed and ready for our flight tomorrow.

March 27 – Flight to the US
We arranged for an early pickup as we have no idea what we are facing at the airport.  Check-in was pretty painless, security was pretty much a breeze, and there was no line at the counter for getting a refund on the taxes paid on opals Mary bought.

We were at the gate with lots of time to spare.  We are flying Virgin Australia, premium…we wanted decent legroom.  Turns out the premium on Virgin is pretty close to business class on many other airlines.  So, we were quite content but neither of us slept on the 14-hour flight to Los Angeles.  Turns out our flight was the last Virgin Australia flight to Los Angeles for the foreseeable future.  Guess we got out just in time. 


We arrived in Los Angeles around 6:00 am.  Customs was fast (we are Global Entry) and corona-virus screening was non-existent.  I am wondering if they thought that the lines and crowding caused by the screening was causing more problems than the screening was catching.  We were at the hotel by around 8:00.  They allowed us to check in very early (not a lot of people in the hotel).  Unfortunately, the first room they gave us was already occupied by some per guy who was sleeping.  Scared him half to death and us almost as much.  But we got another room soon enough. 

We both took a short nap late morning as we were so tired.  The hotel restaurant is closed but does do take-away from a very limited menu.  We called both the kids and were in bed relatively early.  Very tired. 

What frenetic way to end a wonderful 5 month trip. 

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