2020-02-26 – Flight to Sydney

We had breakfast in our room and enjoyed our visitor outside our deck this morning, a buff banded rail. 

We were due to fly out to Sydney today.  However, the pilot on the incoming flight took ill and had to go to the island hospital.  So we had no pilot.  The next flight was due in about 3 hours and they were sending another pilot, so we had time to kill.  

While "in town" we couldn't resist taking a photo of their veeeeeerrrry tiny round-abouts (the yellow "bump" in the intersection).  They call them silent cops as they are intended to keep people from cutting the corners when turning.

They shuttled us back into town for lunch and we were back out and on a plane by mid-afternoon.  The airport seemed very crowded with 2 planes on the tarmac.

We had good views of the island out the window…
Lord Howe Island Lagoon

North Bay

and got a few photos of our approach into Sydney.  Unfortunately, we were quite far from the Harbor Bridge and the opera house so could barely see them.  But other parts of the approach were good.  


We stayed at the same airport hotel so we could pick up the rest of our luggage and repack for our trip tomorrow to Brisbane.

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