2020-03-18 – Working on Travel

Looks like the rest of our trip will have to be cancelled.  We were hoping for a nice long 10 days or so in Tahiti before heading home.  Instead, not only do they require a health certificate showing that you don’t have the corona virus, but you are now required to shelter in place for 14 days.  That meant that we wouldn’t have been able to do anything but sit in our lovely, over the water bungalow. So we aren’t going to Tahiti.

We talked some with Tara, emails went back and forth with the kids regarding a Galapagos/Peru trip in late 2020 (to use some of our travel credits), assuming things can go by then.  And we worked on a spreadsheet trying to figure out when we can schedule trips using our travel credits.  Took most of the morning.

We then headed out to turn in the car and found lunch at an Italian restaurant overlooking the waterfront.  One more panicked phone call to Tara, who calmed us down, and then it was back to the hotel for more work.  Sigh.  This is getting a little old and isn’t nearly as much fun as it should be.

We stopped for ice cream on the way back to the room and were joined by a smallish bird called the Peaceful Dove.

We passed a park with several large banyan trees.  
They were full of fruit bats, also called flying foxes.  They are very social and were quite chatty.




As with many other Australian cities we have visited, there is a lot of public art on display.


There are a lot of interesting buildings, both old and new.



We brought back leftovers from lunch so that we wouldn’t have to go out for dinner…doing a little bit of sheltering in place.

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